The broad vision for DEMCO came from Matthew 9:37.

37 (E)Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore (F)pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to (G)send out laborers into his harvest.”

I often hear people quote scripture by stating “…laborers are few,” but there is no resolution following that statement. Since the development of DEMCO I’ve been spending time with Jesus and reading the Bible to hear what His plans are for this charity.

I started hearing “Multiply the laborers.” I had the impression that when I go out I am to evangelize, set a course for discipleship (evangelism without discipleship is irresponsible) and create laborers for the Kingdom of God. Anyone can be a laborer. Drug addicts, current church going Christians, prostitutes or high class business people, etc. They just need discipleship to figure out which avenue is best for them. With God’s help and your partnership, DEMCO will get to be a part of their journey. I will meet those who live in the streets in the streets and those who sit in pews at the church when I speak or share my testimony.

That’s a very simple version of the vision. If you want to know more feel free to email me at


Deus Ex-Machina:

a sudden power or event that changes a seemingly hopeless situation

My Testimony.

Jesus supernaturally delivered me from 13 years of hard drug and alcohol abuse.

